December 7, 2011

Best Patient

John got 2 out of 4 cavities filled yesterday.  He was very nervous and I was also but it went very well with help from Versed, "laughing " gas, fabulous dentist and hygienist.  The whole time, he was laughing and constantly talking...Dr Hasson and Ms Peggy were in stitches during the entire appointment.  At one point, John said "This is sooooo awesome!  I love getting my cavities filled, I want to come back again!"  Dr Hasson told him, "maybe you will be a dentist."  Dr. Hasson also said, "you got to love when you have this type of patient compared to the others!"  Today John was bragging to our neighbor, "Yesterday I only had two things to eat, Mc Flurry and dinner!"  My poor boy had to be NPO before his appointment, it was killing him!  He sure made up for his lack of food today!

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